Samples 7.43 G/T Gold, 648 G/T Silver At Tepic
Sierra Madre (TSX.V: SM) as been busy exploring the Tepic Project, and has identified over 10Km of mineralized structures and announces results from sampling program. The focus over the last 6 months has been on geological mapping and reconnaissance sampling with approx. 50% of the project covered at a 1:5000 scale level of detail or better. This has resulted in the recognition of more than 10 kilometres of hydrothermally altered and mineralized structures compared to the 3.5 kilometres known at the time the Company optioned the project. The reconnaissance sampling has returned silver ("Ag") values ranging from <0.5 to 648 grams per ton ("g/t") and gold ("Au") values from <0.005 to 7.43 g/t.
The major findings of this program thus far are:
The Company plans on continuing this reconnaissance mapping and sampling until the entire concession holding has been mapped. Based on the above the company has initiated a 2,700 metre trenching program.
When the Company optioned the Tepic project, the previous owner's efforts had centered on the Dos Hornos - Veta Thomas and Once Bocas areas. The following map shows the known mineralized structures at the time of acquisition.
Mapping and field work by the Company's geologists has found the structural fabric of the area to be much more complex than previously portrayed. Numerous mineralized cross faults and several more northwest trending principal structures have been located.
Highlights of reconnaissance sampling at the newly found El Creston structure include 788 g/t silver equivalent ("AgEq") on the Nanche vein, and 798 g/t AgEq on the Veta Tomas structure (silver equivalent values calculated using a 70:1 silver to Gold ratio reflective of precious metal prices of $25/ounce for silver and $1,750 for gold).
A 2,000 metre trenching program is being planned to establish the width and potential of the newly identified structures, areas containing structural intersections and potential dilation zones. Trenches will also be excavated on previously defined structures as no methodical surface trenching program has ever been conducted on the Tepic Project. Existing road cuts will also be sampled. Data from this work will be used in future geologic modelling and resource estimation.
There is no record of the previous operator having conducted work on the eastern side of the project and much of the area is covered by a thin layer of colluvium. First pass mapping and reconnaissance sampling by the Company's geologic team has resulted in the delineation of the Taunas structure.
Taunas has a strike length in excess of one kilometre and consists of a core quartz vein/breccia structure, with widths of up to 15 metres, surrounded by a silicified and stockwork zone with argillic alteration. Rock textures such as bladed quartz after calcite are present, indicating that this structure is in the upper portion of the boiling zone one of the key controls responsible for precious metal deposition. In addition, the structure lies between 1160 MSL and 1400 MSL, substantially higher in elevation than most mineralized structures outcropping in the central zone.
Reconnaissance sampling has returned values ranging from <0.5 to 597 g/t silver and <0.005 to 1.87 g/t gold. Three samples returned in excess of 500 g/t AgEq with the highest being 649 g/t AgEq.
A trenching program is planned in order to assess the potential size and grade of the Taunas target. Further reconnaissance mapping and sampling is planned for the entire east side of the project area and a new senior geologist has been added to the team to oversee these activities.
North of the central area, multiple erosional windows occur in the recent basalt flows which expose hydrothermal veins and alteration in the underlying rhyolitic rocks. These occurrences had been noted by previous operators but little follow up work had been undertaken.
Mapping and reconnaissance sampling by the Company has produced results that indicate the area has greater potential than previously thought. Reconnaissance sampling returned silver values ranging from <0.5 to 600 g/t silver, and gold assays from<0.005 to 1.22 g/t with AqEq values including 686 g/t AgEq. The following map shows the location of samples which assayed greater than 30 g/t AgEq.
The results of reconnaissance sampling thus far indicate the Astasis area to be of greatest interest, with one sample from a vein exposed in a steep arroyo cut at Astasis I assaying 686 g/t AgEq. This area is densely vegetated and covered by colluvium containing abundant quartz breccia fragments. A trenching program is planned in order to sample bedrock below the colluvial cover.
A larger program to map and sample additional ridges rising above the basalts and valleys incised through the basalts is underway.
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